Take that shit off your ear!
Bluetooth headsets are cool, but just because you own one doesn't make you cool.
Average Headset User Profile:
- 40-60 yr old middle manager
- Perfectly groomed
- Well mannered, cordial
- Little blue blinking light on side of head
- Usually not talking, but ready and willing for some phone action
- Tries to ignore the fact people are staring at annoying impotent device attached to their head
GENTLEMEN GEEKS! You need to know that you look like tools. No-one cares that you're stupid enough to shell out 200 bucks on a headset. Madonna looked cool with the headset, partly because she was in her prime and wore the pointy-boob cups, but mainly because SHE WAS USING IT!
Take that shit off the ear and put it in your pocket.
"Perfectly groomed" --- I don't think so. They usually look like some JC Penney reject and a bluetooth headset goes for like fifty bucks these days.
10:19 AM
Touche! Good to know these poor saps aren't spending a fortune on looking like Dad-Tron!
5:53 PM
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
11:46 AM
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