Sunday, January 22, 2006

Filling Spaces

Last night at my partner's company party, I ended up talking to the guy who runs facilities for the outfit. Part of his job involves planning cubical space usage (who gets to sit where, why, etc). He had some of the more interesting insights about cube farms and how people spend more time in their cubes than they normally do in their own homes. We may be more peculiar about our workspaces than our homespaces. And the things people keep in their spaces, like a woman's dead dog ashes in a small urn.

The most striking story was about how at one company, an employee passed away and his cube evolved into what an outsider would view as a shrine. When the building plans involved adding a new wall, the wall had to literally be built 'around' the cube-shrine to satisify the social needs of the community in mourning.

Try it out..the facilities manager could tell you more about a place than you'd think.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Call of the Wild

Welcome to 2006, fellow underling corporate slave monkeys. It's belated I admit, but I've been busy cleaning my cave and shoveling monkeyshit for #4 and #8,362,261,192.85EXP15 as of late.

So an interesting wrinkle unfolds in el-blogosphere today. This morning, as I was sitting in my smelly coach seat of a US Air deathtrap 914 at 6 in the morning, I stumbled across a NYTimes article about business traveller bloggers.

So basically, there are a bunch of people just like your favorite corporate soulmate, who have special bloggo outlets for their business travel, consulting, white-collar woe-is me tales. Great shit. Tales of airplanes, high-thread count sheets, airline security puffer machines, dumbass primates at the hotel bar, psuedo-anonymous internet lifesytles. Resting pulse...62. (except for Alex, who seems to have a pulse)

I'm fighting off all el-blogosphere instincts to throw shit and make enemies here. But lets face the facts. By 2010, there will be roughly 2 blogs for every human on the planet. And about 1 out of 10000 people might actually give a monkey crap about 'business blogs'. I reckon if these el-business bloggers funnelled their true 'anonymous' feelings towards this blog, we'd be throwing some serious shit.